Movement Mentorship
Original price was: $5,999.00.$3,499.00Current price is: $3,499.00.
is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000
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The unconventional movement mentorship is the most comprehensive system available in Australia to fitness professionals. Throughout the mentorship you will be taken through over 15 courses detailing 3 key areas to create a well rounded education experience.
- Human function and functional training
In this section trainers are taken through 5 hands on courses detailing the myofascial trains of the human body, how to identify dysfunction and to correctly conduct proper functional training. The training courses in this system are:
Mobility – Power Bands For Strength Conditioning & Mobility – Kettlebells level 1&2 – Bulgarian Bags
Each of these courses are a hands on practical learning experience as well as having the recordings for each course available to watch post certification.
Included also in this system are several external learning modules detailing the different myofascial trains of the body, the sling systems and their roles in function, body weight corrective exercise, the different uses of power bands and how to train the sling systems using different tools.
- Corrective exercise & rehab
In this system trainers are taken in depth through corrective exercise and rehabilitation methods to prevent injuries, assist clients in recovering from injuries faster, improvement movement and functional capabilities. There are 5 courses to this system
- Trigger point therapy – learn trigger point therapy for exercise professionals in this hands-on practical heavy course. Understand what trigger points are and what their characteristics are, how to diagnose them and apply various different methods of treatment such as: MCT ( myofascial compression technique), palpation, pinching and pinning and stretching.
- Taping for trigger points – this course is an accessory course to trigger point therapy which will give trainers a greater understanding of trigger points and how to treat them. Learn how to apply tape to the different muscle systems of the body to mechanically de-load and de stress the muscle, lift the layers of fascia and assist in a greater treatment of trigger points.
- Muscle Energy Techniques – Understand and master the use of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques and how they reprogram the body’s postural muscle as well as creating pain free and fluid range of motion, mobility, flexibility and movement.
- IASTM – Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation – this course details the use of IASTM blades for the use of soft tissue manipulation and modulation. Learn varying techniques and where they are applied on the body to treat a wide array of issues while assisting in recovery. Also take a journey into voodoo floss bands and the power of occlusion therapy in releasing restricted muscles. Gain an in depth understanding of how to wrap each body part and how to best add movement to create the therapy required in your client.
- Integrated Corrective Exercise – This course ties all 4 courses together in the corrective exercise continuum. Over two days trainers will learn how to diagnose postural and dynamic dysfunctions then following the continuum learn what to release, length and how to strengthen the human body globally through the myofascial sling systems.
In addition there are several external modules that further expand on the previous courses discussing structural integration (tensegrity) and biomechanics.
- Integrated Strength & Conditioning
The final part of the mentorship is the integrated strength and conditioning system. This system details how to properly structure training sessions and extended programs utilizing a wide array of different training tools and methods.
The courses in this system are:
Anchored resistance training (suspension trainers, rip stick trainers and harness training), barbells, mace bells, club bells and battling ropes – battle bars & oscillation resistance bands
Trainers will gain a deep understanding on programming principals and protocols while knowing how to properly structure a long term program for the general population and athlete.
During the movement mentorship you will also be granted access to our membership program ($50 a month) for free which will give you access to full workout videos, marketing and advertising templates and materials, re-usable posts and articles and much more.
You will also be guided in building your fitness business to new heights with the help of our business mentor Darius Alligan. Through the simple yet powerful systems you will be taught to employ, coupled with the cutting edge techniques you will learn, you will see massive growth in your business,
This program will last for up to 2 years allowing trainers to practice the knowledge learned while having lifetime access to all the presenters at the UTAcademy
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